Not Rated (2010) Alicia is asked by Laura White to represent her. She claims that she was sexually assaulted by a Nobel laureate at a Chicago hotel. The accused is Joe Kent, winner of the Nobel Peace prize for his work on behalf of women. She is a registered massage therapist who was hired by the hotel to give Kent a massage and she accuses him of inappropriate contact. Alicia and the partners are pulled out of the annual Bar Association dinner and both Kalinda and Blake are assigned to find as much information about both the accuser and the VIP before they're prepared to take the case. At the Bar Association dinner, a third candidate throws her hat into the ring. She's Wendy Scott-Carr, a staff attorney. Peter's attempt to convince her to be his deputy falls on deaf ears. Peter is also drawn into the Kent case when his lawyer offers Kent's endorsement in return for getting Alicia's firm to drop the case.

Rated TV-14