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Contributor(s): Material type: FilmFilmPublication details: 2013Subject(s): Summary: Not Rated (2013) Majid Javadi is firmly in Saul's grip and seems to run out of excuses to give in to blackmail, so he's put on an airplane back to Teheran as double agent. As the police found his family's corpses, Quinn must take the blame and invoke national security to go free. It works, but disgust him enough to consider leaving the CIA, yet he accepts to help find out what happened to Brody. Majid assures Carrie that not Brady, but henchmen of his law firm helped Abu Nasir's men bomb the CIA site. Confident Dar Adal deserts senator Andrew Lockhart when Saul rather keeps his successor-designate locked up 'accidentally' then call off operation Majid.
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DVD DVD Lake Chapala Society Available D6774

Not Rated (2013) Majid Javadi is firmly in Saul's grip and seems to run out of excuses to give in to blackmail, so he's put on an airplane back to Teheran as double agent. As the police found his family's corpses, Quinn must take the blame and invoke national security to go free. It works, but disgust him enough to consider leaving the CIA, yet he accepts to help find out what happened to Brody. Majid assures Carrie that not Brady, but henchmen of his law firm helped Abu Nasir's men bomb the CIA site. Confident Dar Adal deserts senator Andrew Lockhart when Saul rather keeps his successor-designate locked up 'accidentally' then call off operation Majid.

Rated TV-MA

8.2 ON SCALE OF 10

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